During the previous night we had received a welcome steady downpour of rain, desperately needed as mentioned in previous posts, so we were pleased that it had stopped by the time we left the house.
Arriving at the church, we joined the assembled crowds and watched the arrival of the bands and the costumed attendants.
As the church bells struck six o'clock, yes you've guessed it, the rain started again. So we joined the rush to gain entry into the church and some shelter. Once again, it was a rather unique opportunity to see inside the church which is currently undergoing restoration after a fire lasting fifteen hours in September 2004, which destroyed a lot of the interior.
We saw Remé, one of our neighbours, who explained slowly, slowly (our Spanish is still not up to speed) that if the rain did not stop within an hour the procession would be cancelled. The reason for this is that the icons themselves and the material and decorations that adorn the platforms are so old and delicate, the risk of damage would be too great. So all we could do was wait and hope.
The first picture depicts "Jesus of Nazareth" (taken from an earlier post as I was unable to get close enough to take a picture this morning). The second picture depicts "Our Lady of Sorrows", lit with candles. Both platforms were due to be carried in the procession.
Other pictures are of the scenes within the church.
There was a slight murmur of disappointment but overall we considered it to be a double edged sword.
Yes, the procession was an important event in the calendar but on the other hand the rain is vitally needed at the moment. Can you tell I'm a Libran?.
So, nothing to be done but to head home for a cup of tea and a bit of warmth.
Never mind. Hopefully tonight's procession at 8.30 will go ahead.
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