Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Alcazaba de Antequera

Unbelievably, it's over two years since we last visited Antequera, a large town about an hours drive east of Olvera along the A-384.

Although Antequera historically and architecturally has a lot to offer, I really wanted to visit the restored 14th century Moorish Castle that was re-opened in December 2008.

We parked the car at the bottom of town near to the bullring and enjoyed a pleasant walk up to the castle, entering through the Arco de los Gigantes, dating from 1585.
The arch leads through to the Plaza Santa María and the Church of the same name.

The views from the castle walls over Antequera are spectacular. Leading off the plaza is the entrance to the castle, which is free.

Some restoration work is still ongoing.

"Homenaje's Tower".

The "White Tower" and the ramparts.

Part of the old clock mechanism, now a feature on the climb up Homenaje's Tower.

The restoration work has provided easy access to all the features of the castle by way of wooden stairs and walkways.

The site was very popular with a party of school children from Malaga visiting.

The view to "la Peña de los Enamorados", named after the romantic legend of a young Christian man and his forbidden Moorish lover who, rather than be captured by chasing Moorish soldiers, threw themselves to their deaths from the rock.

We left the castle and its surrounds, winding our way back through the busy but pleasant streets to the bullring.

Antequera is definitely worth a visit. Lots to see, many pleasant plaza's and cafes with outside seating to just sit and enjoy life passing by.

Maps and much more information is available from the very helpful Tourist Office at the top of Infante Don Fernando, the main thoroughfare through town, in the Plaza San Sebastian (near to the fountain in the first pic of this post).

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