Thursday, 8 April 2010

Romería del "Lunes de Quasimodo"

The Olvera Ayuntamiento website have just published the schedule of events for the forthcoming "Quasimodo Day" celebrations.
As always, please refer to the website here for accuracy but roughly the timings and days are as follows:
Saturday 10th April. The horse racing events take place at the Sanctuario de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios between the hours of 9am and 7pm with paella available for the audience and participants.
Sunday 11th April. Starting at 12.00 hrs from the Residential Care Home on Calle Vereda de Pino near to the Poligono is the XXV edition of the "Cros de Quasimodo". To be honest, I haven't a clue what this is but am open to enlightenment by anyone who may care to get in touch and let me know. Footnote: Our good friend Dan advises that this is an athletic event, a race.
Monday 12th April. The big event of the fiesta is the procession of floats and caravans, starting from the new fairground at 9am, winding it's way through town to the Ermita de Los Remedios to begin the day of music and celebrations in the campo.

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