A slight delay in posting due to internet connection problems but yesterday was a good day for us. We drove the short distance to the pueblo of
Algodonales to obtain a pet passport for Calcetines that will allow her, should the need ever arise, to accompany us to the UK.
The UK Government agency
DEFRA have revised their entry requirements for pets and although it was always in our minds to get a pet passport this year anyway, the new rules make the process so much easier.
Ana, the lovely vet at the La Sierra Clinic transferred the relevant data from our Andalucian "Health Certificate" below to the new passport and hey presto, ten minutes and €10 later, Calcetines is a potential world traveller.

We celebrated with a cappuccino, sitting in the warm sunshine of the main square in Algodonales.

The mountain of the Sierra de Lijar dominates the village.

The Iglesia de Santa Ana dominates the plaza.

A new monument has been erected since our last visit, dedicated to the heroes of Algodonales who resisted the forces of Napoleon in the Spanish War of Independence (Peninsular War), an event that is spectacularly
re-enacted by the village residents in early May every year.
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