We received a text this morning from our friend Inma, saying that our services would not be required for olive picking today. So instead, we took a trip out to the town of
Puerto Serrano, about twenty five minutes drive west of Olvera.
As usual, we headed for the Centro Urbano and parked the car near to the Ayuntamiento.
A pretty tiled welcome plaque on the outskirts of town.

An attractive water feature on the way in.

Without the aid of a tourist map, we wandered into the pretty Plaza de Miguel Rodriguez Rivera, at one end of which was the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) pictured below.

Not too far from the Plaza is the 17th century Iglesia Parroquial de Santa Maria Magdalena, which with the now disused Carmelite Convent in the foreground were the first two buildings in Puerto Serrano.

The interior of the Church.

Roses blooming on the street.

This ceramic artwork was on the wall of the Biblioteca (Library) and depicts the agricultural heritage of the town together with it's more recent connection with the
Via Verde, in the central picture.
Just outside of town is the Estación de Puerto Serrano at the western end of the Via Verde, 36kms from Olvera.

Our lovely little girl Calcetines really enjoys coming out on these trips, exploring new places and smells.