
Thursday, 28 March 2013

Procesión de Jesús Nazareno y Nuestra Señora de los Dolores

Lying in bed at five this morning, listening to the rain hitting the window, we thought there would be no chance of today's early procession taking place. However, within the hour the rain had stopped, music could be heard so it was a fastish walk up to the Plaza de la Iglesia. I needn't have hurried though as another band was making its way to the Plaza from Calle Llana, an indication that nothing had yet started.
Onlookers were waiting in the Plaza with an eye to the dark sky waiting for any sign of movement.
At 7am, the purple clad Nazarenos appeared.

The first Paso (platform) turns the corner at the front of the Church.

The weight of the Paso is such that about every twenty metres or so a halt is called to give the bearers a rest.
Preparing to take the strain.

The second Paso in the procession "Our Lady of Sorrows" appears from the front of the Church.

Negotiating the cobbles and slope of Calle Calzada. 

"La Agrupación Musical Santísimo Cristo de la SGDA. Columna y Azotes" from Ecija were one of the support bands attending the procession.

The procession on its outward journey around the streets of Olvera.
Fast forward to 11.30am, where after a warming coffee at home, we returned to catch the procession as it returned along Calle Llana.

 No doubt tired knees and joints push the Paso upwards onto aching shoulders after a valiant effort by the Costaleros in supporting the platform for the last four hours or more. 

 One of the last obstacles to overcome is to turn the platform 90 degrees from Llana into Calle Pico to the final destination of the "Casa Hermandad" (Brotherhood House).
The Santa Ana Band of Bugles and Drums of Olvera.

 Nearly there. A tremendous effort by all who participated. Amazing skill, strength, devotion and dedication and a real community effort.

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