
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Procesión del Cristo del Amor

 Tonight's procession was a real surprise. In previous years the participants, although respecting the solemnity of the occasion, were casually dressed in everyday clothing (as shown here in 2010). This year the members of the brotherhood have new tunics and pictured below proudly display a new banner.

 The Paso (platform) carried in this procession is quite unique amongst those in Olvera as it completely encloses the twenty four costaleros (bearers).

"La Banda de Cornetas y Tambores Santa Cruz y Misericordia" from Moron de la Frontera superbly provided the musical accompaniment.

Costaleros awaiting their turn inside the Paso.

 A poor quality picture attempting to show the full moon tonight. 

  Once again, a moving and solemn procession well supported by the local community.

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