
Friday, 29 March 2013

Procesión del Cristo de la Vera-Cruz y Maria Santísima de la Esperanza

Anne and I walked up to the Plaza de la Iglesia to watch the start of this evenings procession, scheduled to commence at 8pm.

The Nazarenos appeared at about 8.30pm followed by the first of the two Paso's in the procession.

The Paso in Calle Victoria.

 The procession enters the Plaza de la Concordia.

The ever improving "Banda de Cornetas y Tambores Santa Ana de Olvera" providing another excellent performance.

I'm normally biased towards the bands of Olvera but I have to say that the "Agrupación Municipal de Música El Carpio (Cordoba)" were one of the best bands that I've seen perform at this type of event, not only playing their instruments superbly, marching in perfect step but singing as well.

 Taking the strain after a rest break. As I write this post, I can just hear the music of the procession returning to the Iglesia Mayor Parroquial, nearly five and a half hours after leaving the Plaza. Another brilliant example of teamwork, devotion and dedication by all those who participated, very much appreciated by all of the onlookers. 

1 comment:

  1. Muy bonitas las fotos de las procesiones de Semana Santa.
    Soy hija de un olvereño, nunca fui al pueblo de mi padre pero le tengo mucho cariño.
    Se de vuestro blog por una persona de Olvera que me envio el enlace y veo el cariño con que lo haceis, gracias, a mi padre se que le gustaria mucho, un abrazo. Sefa

    PD: Tengo varios blog pero el que actualizo es El buen yantar de Sefa,
    por si lo quereis mirar.
