The number of times that we have passed by Calle Llana No 3, admiring the beautiful facade and the huge wooden doors. Today by pure good luck the doors were open and we could see through the entrance hall into the inner courtyard.
Noticing our interest, it got even better when we were invited inside to have a look around. We knew from information provided by our friend Dan that the property was used as a summer residence by the
Dukes of Osuna, who have had an influence in the history of Olvera since the 14th century. The structure and many of the fixtures and fittings of the house have been maintained and preserved in their original condition so it was a fantastic opportunity to have a look inside. The Church at the top of town still belongs to what is left of the family.

The ornate stairs leading to the upstairs accommodation and pictured below is the incredibly decorated ceiling at the top of the stairs.

The inner courtyard.