
Sunday 16 March 2008

Semana Santa - At the church

Yesterday we took our dog Peppie on one of our normal walks heading up to the Plaza de la Iglesia (Church square).
We noticed a side door open, which was unusual as the church is undergoing restoration. So not to miss a rare opportunity to look inside, we entered and came upon the "Paso's" (platforms) which were being prepared for the processions that will take place in the coming week to celebrate Easter.
So here are a few pictures of the icons.

Linked posts:
Procesión del Santo Entierro (Holy Burial)
Procesión de la Vera Cruz (The Cross)
Procesión de Jesús Nazareno y Ntra. Sra de los Dolores
Procesión de El Cautivo (The Captive)
Procesión de "La Borriquita" (The Little Donkey)

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