
Saturday 15 March 2008

The rain in Spain..........

We woke up this morning to a grey day and low rain clouds all around us.
I know this must sound crazy to all in the UK but we are really looking forward here to a huge downfall of rain. In fact we wouldn't mind if it rained all week, preferably mostly at night.
But as usual within an hour the clouds had passed over and the sun had broken through. Reports in the local paper say that if we don't get any substantial rain before the end of March, this will be the warmest and driest winter in Spain for 60 years.
It's quite ironic really as we left the UK in 2007 during the wettest summer on record....the day we left was in torrential rain...then arriving in Spain to one of the hottest summers for years.
And now we are praying for rain!!!!
There's just no pleasing some folks. Just have to keep up the rain dancing!

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