
Saturday 27 April 2013

Tapas Tours - Walking and activity group

We are happy to give a mention to a walking and activity group (see a previous post here) who are once again meeting up in Olvera in May for a series of activities and would extend a warm welcome to anyone  who would like to join them. Three walks and three coach outings (for which there will be a small charge) are planned as follows:

Monday 6th May. A circular walk of approximately 10 miles (16 kilometres) stopping at Pruna for lunch.
Tuesday 7th May. A coach trip to El Rocio, centre for the Doñana National Park, a beautiful town with many sites of interest.
Wednesday 8th May. A 7 mile (11 kilometres) circular walk starting at Jimera de Libar returning for tapas and entertainment at Bar Alioli and then walking the five miles (8 kiliometres) to the pueblo of Benaojan.
Friday 10th May. A choice of two walks, one with Eira and one with Eric, centred upon the beautiful pueblo of Grazalema. Food and drink will need to be carried.
Saturday 11th May. A coach trip to the Jerez Feria. Leaving at midday for a great day and night of fun, returning late to Olvera.
Sunday 12th May. A coach trip to El Puerto de Santa Maria where you can relax on the beach, enjoy the sites of the old town and take advantage of the many bars and restaurants.

If you wish to join in with any of the activities, please contact Eric directly at email who will be happy to provide more information.

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