
Saturday 27 April 2013

Beyond annoying.....

........and totally and utterly frustrating was the discovery upon returning home this morning that yet again my camera had ingested some minute particles of dust into the lens, only noticeable after downloading the pictures to my laptop.

 This is particularly annoying as I've only had this camera, a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ20, for just over fourteen months, this being the second Lumix in a row I've had that has developed the exact same problem.  

So, I have decided that this may be an ideal time to take a "blog break" for a week or two while I contemplate and consider whether to purchase a new camera.......which will definitely NOT be a Lumix. Takes great pictures but very poor build quality.   

 The new location of Bar Mi Pueblo is taking shape on Avenida Julián Besteiro, opposite the petrol station.

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