I was alerted by the sound of helicopters flying over so headed up to the terrace for a look. I think they were monitoring the traffic returning from the Motorcycle Grand Prix at the Jerez circuit, about 90kms away.

Although we've had more showers today, the rain that could be seen was passing about 15kms away over the Sierra de Lijar and the pueblo of Algodonales to the west.
Silhouettes of vultures soaring overhead.
It seems traditional every year for the local enthusiasts to gather at the bridge over the main A-384 road and cheer the passing bikers on their way home, even more so when the MotoGP has been won by a spanish rider.
Unfortunately, it wasn't to be this year with victory going to Casey Stoner of Australia with two spanish riders in second and third position.
The storm was coming closer, completely obscuring the Sierra de Lijar, so time to beat a retreat indoors.
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