
Sunday 12 February 2012

Around in a circle

A drive out this morning to the nearby cortijo to refill our water bottles at the freshwater spring. A view of Olvera from the farm on a sunny but very cold morning.
Vultures were circling a nearby peñon and visible in the hazy far distance is the Peñón de Zaframagón, home to one if the largest Griffon vulture colonies in Andalucia.
After collecting the water, I headed away from Olvera on the A-384, turning off onto the road to Algamitas, seen here in the distance.
Passing through the pueblo, the view across the olive groves to the north.
The road from Algamitas leads back to the village of Pruna with its castle on the hill in the foreground, completing a pleasant circular drive. Olvera can be seen in the far distance.

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