
Friday 10 February 2012

Cortes de la Frontera

A lovely day, about 10°C, so a good day for a drive out to the pueblo of Cortes de la Frontera, pictured above. We headed towards Ronda on the A-384 before turning off in the direction of Montejaque and Benaoján.
About an hour after leaving Olvera and driving through beautiful scenery we arrived in Cortes, parking quite easily on the outskirts before stepping out to explore the village further.
An ornate fountain on the edge of the pueblo.
This building appeared to be a covered area for events and entertainment.
The 18th century Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario in the centre of the village.
Throughout the village there were many ornate tiled plaques. this one detailing the Moorish influence in the area.
A pleasant spot to stop for a coffee.
A popular fresh water spring just outside the bar.

The Ayuntamiento, constructed in 1784 and below the unusual bell chimes on the roof.

Another view of the pleasant Town Hall square.
We wandered for a while in the older part of the village.

A view from the Mirador overlooking the pueblo.

The outer wall of the bullring, second only in size to the one in Ronda, unfortunately closed for viewing.
We quite liked Cortes, seen here on the road heading south from the village. Very clean, well looked after and pretty, made even more so by the beauty of its stunning location.

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