
Wednesday 10 August 2011

Return to Bornos

Unbelievably, it's been nearly three years since we last visited Bornos, a pueblo on the main A-384 road, about 32kms or approximately 40 minutes drive west of Olvera.

The last time we came, the Palacio de Los Ribera was undergoing restoration so I was particularly interested to have another look.

We drove into the town and quickly found a parking space near to the Palacio de Los Ribera and its gardens.

It was probably not the best time of year to see the gardens at their best but still very pleasant to wander around.

While Anne stayed outside with Calcetines, I entered the palace free of charge through the tourist office located on the ground floor of the pleasant patio area.

The 16th century cloisters are very impressive.

Outside the palace, we explored the town further before heading for a coffee.

Here, the 16th century Iglesia Santo Domingo de Guzmán near to the palace.

The Plaza Alcalde José Gonzalez, here and below, housing the Ayuntamiento.

Drinks at Bar Titi.

After a short while, we drove through the town to the large reservoir at the edge of town and parked in a pleasant landscaped area.

On a breezy though warm day, the wind was stirring up the water, creating strong waves.
Definitely wouldn't want to launch the canoe today!!.

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