
Wednesday 10 August 2011

Coto de Bornos

We had driven past this village many times on the way to somewhere else but I had always been intrigued by the modern Church tower visible from the road.

So today, returning from the nearby pueblo of Bornos, we took a slight diversion to have a look. Without much prior research of the pueblo, we headed for the Church and parked up.

Much of the pueblo looks very modern in its style of buildings and architecture. From what I can research, this is because the village was created in 1961 after the original pueblo was submerged when the nearby reservoir was created.

This tiled plaque commemorates the event.

The Iglesia de San Juan de Ribera.

A side door to the Church was open so I stepped inside to take a look.

The modern feel continued with stunning stain glass windows around the walls.

The largest window in the Iglesia.

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