....well, not us but our friends Dan and Alison, here in Olvera for a couple of weeks at their house.
They had bought an inflatable kayak so we went to the reservoir at Zahara de la Sierra to watch them in action on the water.

Taking the turning off the A-374 Algodonales-Ronda road at El Gastor and taking the track down to the reservoir, we were amazed how much had changed since our last visit a couple of years ago.

Apart from the high level of water in the reservoir, there is now a leisure area with a bar "Chiringuito El Pantano" with kayaks and pedalos for hire, landing stages and a garden area.

Anyway, back to Dan and Alison. We joined them in the early evening and spotted them having fun not too far offshore.
Despite repeated requests, we resisted calls to have a go, much preferring to keep our feet on terra firma.
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