After heavy rain this afternoon, we thought that tonights procession would be in serious doubt of proceeding. But on seeing robed figures passing our house and heading up to the Church, we decided to join them.
So at about 8.20pm, we arrived in the Plaza de la Iglesia to join the crowds anxiously looking upwards at the dark clouds passing overhead.

Then the first of the pasos appeared, supported by sixty or more brothers swaying gently from side to side.

Rain was falling gently as they left the square on their procession through town.

This years processions seem to have been accompanied by bands from more locations than in previous year. On this occasion the "Agrupación musica del Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte y Humildad" of Conil followed the first paso.

These youngsters were in for a chilly night.
The second paso in the procession with the images of Our Lady of Sorrows and John the Evangelist.

The second band of "Agrupación del Musical de El Carpio".

We left the Plaza as the paso descended down Calle Calzado with the intention of coming back later when the procession returned to the Church at about 3am.

However, at just after 11pm, I heard the familiar sounds of music so I walked up to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento just in time to witness the first paso returning.
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