
Wednesday 25 November 2009

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We are physically suffering today after our first day of olive picking yesterday (pics to follow shortly) with our friend Inma and her family. So it was as much as my aching body could do to get me to the bottom of our street to snap a few pictures of the always fabulous views south and west today from Calle Pañolillas (hopefully no noticeable camera shake).

The weather today is blustery though reasonably warm with temperatures at around 16°C. Over the next few days some rain is forecast which is desperately needed to green up the campo and help the olive farmers and those with animals to feed.

Looking west to the Peñón de Zaframagon, a habitat for colonies of vultures and other wild birds.

Tomorrow, its back to the campo for more long overdue exercise and exertion, or should that be exhaustion !!.
Our only hope is that we do not embarrass ourselves with our levels of (un)fitness and that we can contribute in some small way to the overall effort.

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