
Sunday 22 November 2009

Misty morning

A misty start to the day as I took a stroll around the village this morning at about ten. Although a little light drizzle was falling, temperatures are still at about 14°C.
These are a few pics taken on the way up through the Barrio de la Villa heading to the Plaza de la Iglesia.

Looking up Calle Carnero or is it Calle Portillo !.

Walking into the Plaza via Calle Molino, the Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Encarnación was shrouded in mist.
The Plaza de la Iglesia.

Normally, the views from here are quite spectacular but today not a hill in site.

Looking back up to the Iglesia from Calle Calzada.

Looking through the arch to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

Heading for a coffee at friend Gerry's, the scene along Calle Jesús where the water and drainage pipes are being renewed.

Likewise, looking down Calle Zorrilla where work is progressing and new paving is starting to be laid.

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