
Tuesday 3 November 2009

Registration of mobile phones

Just a bit of information that hopefully may be useful and save you a few bob if you were unaware.
All spanish prepaid mobile phones bought before November 2007 need to be registered, usually at the point of sale, before this coming Saturday 8th November or the phones will be de-activated. Click here for more information
The law came into effect as a consequence of the Madrid train attacks in March 2004 as is intended as an anti-terrorist measure.
When registering, you will need to provide your NIE, passport or residency paperwork.
For those who thought that you had already undertaken this process, including us, there is an element of doubt that the registration process has been completed if you registered your phone before February 2009. Apparently, Vodafone have not accepted registration before this date (see here) so therefore it may be wise to check again with your phone supplier.

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