
Wednesday 4 November 2009

Mobile update

It appears that the forum posting on our previous post is correct....that is, if you registered your mobile before February 2009 it may not be valid.
In February this year, we returned to the shop in Olvera where we bought our mobiles and went through the process of registration, providing our NIE's and proof of address details. We thought it odd at the time that we didn't get any kind of receipt but assumed that all was OK.
However, after reading the forum post we went back to the shop this morning to check. This time, after providing our details again, we were given a formal receipt and charged a euro for the privilege, with no mention that we had already registered. So we presume that what we did in February was a complete waste of time.

Just heads up not to assume that all is OK. Definately worth checking before Saturday.

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