
Saturday 17 October 2009

Olvera esté mañana

Under clear blue skies and a temperature of 21°C, we walked the short distance to the open air market for our usual fix of "datillos" (dates) for Anne and "regaliz" (liquorice) for me.
Walking through the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and looking up to the Iglesia.

We were a little early, a lot of traders were still setting up but we had also promised our friend Inma that we would pop in to their house to see her lovely "abuela" (grandmother), who is recovering from a stroke.

On the 1st November it is the "Fiesta de Todos los Santos" (All Saints Day), a public holiday when relatives visit the graves of the departed and remember them by placing flowers on their graves. A stall in the market had a nice display.

After visiting abuela and enjoying a coffee, we walked to the plaza overlooking the Parque Jardines de la Victoria and sat for a few moments to enjoy the sunshine.

Looking across to Pruna in the distance.

The Casa de la Cultura, a centre of information for a host of activities in town and housing the library, theatre and cinema.
We sat for a while pondering a trip out tomorrow, perhaps to the Natural Park of El Torcal near to Antequera. We'll see tomorrow.

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