
Sunday 18 October 2009

El Torcal Natural Park

We left Olvera this morning and drove east along the A-384 for 45 minutes to the lovely town of Antequera, south of which is the Nature Reserve of El Torcal, renowned for its magnificent limestone rock formations.
We followed the signs through Antequera, emerging at the southern end of town with a fantastic view of the castle and landscape beyond.

El Torcal was clearly signposted and it wasn't long before we were heading up into the park.

We stopped at one of several miradors (viewpoints) to admire the fantastic views south to Malaga. Across the valley there were several mountain goats atop the craggy peaks.

The landscape was formed 150 million years ago and is really spectacular to look at.

The road into the park ended at a very modern but packed visitor centre. There was no chance of parking so we turned around and like many other cars parked on the road outside and walked back in.

The very helpful chap in the centre advised that there were two recommended walks around the park, a relatively easy green path taking about forty five minutes and a yellow route lasting about three hours.
You can guess the one we opted for !!.

Joking aside, the green route was well marked and reasonably easy going with plenty of opportunities to stop and rest if you wanted. The surrounding landscape was really impressive and it was obviously a popular weekend leisure spot for the spanish and tourists alike.

A brilliant day out. Well worth the visit but take a good pair of walking shoes.

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