Since our arrival in Olvera over two years ago, we have been privileged to have made friends with many "Olvereños", whose friendliness, warmth and generosity has made us feel very welcome here and a part of the community that we now call home.
In particular, pictured right are three generations of our lovely friend Inma's family with abuela (grandmother) Encarnación seated and mother Remedios on the left who have welcomed us into their home on many occasions.

Inma's father Antonio, with whom we shall shortly be picking olives in the campo. Quite rightly, he says that the exercise and hard work will do me good........I have no doubt that he's right.

From the terrace of their lovely house, a few pictures of the outstanding views north towards Pruna, a nearby village and looking down upon the "mercadillo" (market).

The view of the castle from the terrace.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Thank you for your comment. We hope you enjoyed your visit to our lovely town.
Alan and Anne
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