It's unbelievable looking back on the blog that the last time we came to Moron was last August when "Nellie's" first service was due. Where does time go !!!.
Today we went back to the Kia dealership to book an appointment for her second annual service and were pleasantly surprised that they could do it straight away. So with an hour and a half to kill, we walked into the centre of Moron.

The Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) with a stork's nest on the bell tower.

When you drive into Moron from Olvera, the initial impression is of an industrial town without much character.
Do not be put off by appearances though. Walk into the centre of town and it is well laid out, with pedestrianised streets, busy shops and quite a few cafe's and bars.

The Feria season is here and we passed this shop selling the beautiful, traditional dresses associated the celebrations.

By accident we came to a Plaza and the 17th century Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Victoria y del Espíritu Santa, in front of which stood this statue of a nun, Santa Ángela de la Cruz, after whom the Plaza is named.
A brilliant comment received from our good friend Dan and posted at the bottom of this post, provides a very interesting insight into the history surrounding this statue.

Looking up to the castle from the Plaza.
We really quite like Moron and shouldn't leave it so long before we return again......definately before the third annual service !!.