
Friday 8 May 2009

Junior cycle event

As part of a week of activities celebrating the Via Verde (Green way), the 36 km (22 mile) long tourist trail along a disused railway track between Olvera and Puerto Serrano, we walked down to the Estación de Olvera to see the start of the junior cycle event.

The wild flowers, in particular poppies, are out in abundance at the moment.

The Estación de Olvera, now a hotel and restaurant.

The cyclists were aged I would guess between 10 and 16 years of age and were drawn from schools in Olvera and others in the province of Cadiz.
Their route was a 21 km (13 mile) stretch of the Via Verde between Olvera and Coripe on a warm day with some cloud.

We watched as group after group came down from Olvera, through the start point and onwards to Coripe.
Many smiling faces....although that may have been more to do with having a day off school than with the journey ahead.

Seeing the last of the cyclists off, we headed back up the hill and stopped for our first visit to the "Club Hipico Platero", a bar/restaurant attached to an equestrian centre which has been open since last summer.

We sat down in the pleasant bar with a couple of sin alchohol beers looking through the glass partition at the horse training taking place.
More information about the Via Verde can be found in the following link:

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