
Saturday 9 May 2009

Fast and furious

A very, very early start this morning saw us sitting in a picnic area at 7.20 am on the Olvera - El Gastor road awaiting the arrival of the first rally car taking part in the " 5th Rally of the Oil Route".
We wanted to ensure we grabbed a good spot but as you can see from the picture right, we were the first to arrive so we parked Nellie in prime position on the grid at the start tape.
The first car appeared at just before 9.30, wakening us from our slumbers, followed every thirty seconds or so by another.
The weather was warm though overcast and rain was forecast at sometime today.

There were quite a variety of cars on show and loads of pictures so for this reason I have reduced the size of photos's on the post to limit the amount of space used. I hope however this doesn't reduce your enjoyment.

This timed section of the rally between Olvera and El Gastor is 13.1 kms long and is one of four such sections linking Torre-Alháquime, Olvera, El-Gastor, Setenil and Alcala de Valle, a total distance of 120 kms. The total rally length is 442 kms.
Points awarded score towards the Championship of Andalucia.

The main parking area in a copse of eucalyptus tree's.

At about midday, a rally marshall's car swiftly followed by an ambulance came up the course almost as quickly as the cars. Apparently, about a kilometre up the course towards El Gastor and out of site of us, a car had been involved in an accident. We don't know the details but obviously hope all involved are OK.
With this news, this stage of the rally was discontinued and we awaited the all clear to take to the road and return to the rain as forecast.

I thought it was a brilliant day out....Anne wasn't that convinced, having managed to get a good way through the book she brought with her entitled "Twenty reasons I'd rather watch paint dry".
Well done to the organisers for putting on such a great event. Now what's next.......??

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