
Friday 16 May 2008

Clase Basico Espanol

In several previous posts I have mentioned our attendance at the Adult Education Centre for basic Spanish lessons so I thought this morning I would take a few pics of our group.
It's worth mentioning that in addition to attending the our normal "Spanish" learning class which starts at 11am we have for several weeks been generously allowed to, or should I say muscled in on, the "English" learning class that starts at 9.30, in the hope that by listening in we can also pick up a bit more of the language.
Anyway, the students left to right are Juani, Carol (English), Anne, Chari, Anna-Maria, Loli and Sergio.

Our tutor is Estibaliz, pictured here in blue.

Prior to attending class, Anne spent "loads o' money" (3 euros to be exact) on yet another pair of designer sunglasses. Doesn't she look great....Costa del Sol look out!!.
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