
Friday 21 March 2008

Procesión de la Vera Cruz (The Cross)

The rain that had forced the cancellation of this morning's procession had stopped so we headed off to the Plaza de la Iglesia for the 8.30pm start of the Procesión de la Vera Cruz.
The picture below shows the main entrance to the church just prior to the start of the procession.

The first Paso (Platform) appeared, carried by twenty eight young women, none of whom I would estimate were older than sixteen.........amazing!

Shortly behind the young ladies came another Paso, this time supported by fifty men.

The third Paso, again carried by fifty men, was perhaps the most impressive.

The final Paso leaving Calle Calzada on its five hour journey around the village.

I caught up with the procession four hours after the start in Calle Calvario, the women leading and still going strong.

It is very moving to witness the dedication and devotion of this community, in particular from the young men and women of Olvera, who have for the most part been at the forefront of each event this week.
We are indeed fortunate to live in such a place.
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