
Wednesday 27 February 2008

Villaluenga del Rosario

We had passed by this village on our way to Ubrique so we decided to stop off on our return journey and what a gem it turned out to be.
Without waxing lyrical about cleanliness, feel of the place, location etc, etc this was without a doubt the best place we have ever visited......AND WE WANT TO LIVE HERE!!.

This picture is of the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall).

It was only a small village but everything about it felt right....if you know what I mean.
There was only one downside, which was quite surprising for such a small place....the bullring.
But as we have said before on previous blogs, we respect the Spanish traditions even if we don't particularly like them and I think we would be prepared to put up with this one if in the future we ever have the opportunity to move here. This will probably be unlikely as on our wander around we only saw one house for sale. Still, we can always dream can't we!

Walking towards the village square.

The village square. You can just imagine at Fiesta time, everyone in their traditional costumes dancing the Flamenco.
This chap was just re-varnishing some tables on the edge of the square.

The Bullring.

What a smashing place. One day perhaps.............

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