
Thursday 28 February 2008

Andalucia Day

Today was Andalucia Day, a public holiday, commemorating and celebrating the day in 1978 when the region of Andalucia was formed from the provinces of Huelva, Sevilla, Cordoba, Jaen, Almeria, Granada, Malaga and of course Cadiz where we live.
The event started in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento at 11am with some speeches and poetry readings and music supplied by the excellent Band of Music of Olvera.

The picture right shows one of the poets reciting his stuff which regrettably we were unable to understand but was well received by the assembled crowd.

At about midday the festivities moved to the Plaza de Andalucia where the bands were to play and the free sherry, wine and chorizo (spicy sausage) were to be dished out.

On stage are "El Vagabundo" from Olvera.

"Los de San Antonio", also from Olvera.

The group pictured right and below were called "La Banda del Capitán Veneno" from Cadiz city and they were brilliant, on stage for just over an hour.

Linked posts:
El Dia Andalucia

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