
Sunday 22 December 2013

A pre-lottery wander....

......before heading home to watch the "El Gordo" Christmas Lottery draw on TV along with millions of Spanish people, all hoping for a share of the huge prize fund, this year estimated to be 2.5 billion euros. Before that though, on another sunny, warmish 11°C day, a stroll around town. Here and below, the views from Calle Maestro Amado. 

The Plaza Alfarería.
The views here and below to the Sierra de Grazalema.

Calle Vereda Ancha and below oranges a plenty on the tree's.

More views of the Sierra's and below the beautiful pueblo of Zahara de la Sierra, 15 kilometres distant.

Zahara also seen at the bottom right of this picture.
The "Centro de Salud" on the right of Avenida Julián Besteiro and the below the view of the Church and castle from outside the centre.

The "Plaza del Emigrantes".

The Bar El Parque, a popular place to eat outside on warm summer nights. pleasant inside on chilly winter ones too.
Mountain views across the fairground area.

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