
Friday 29 November 2013

Taomi Sports event

 A brilliant morning spent supporting the Taomi sports event at the indoor sports centre.
 We arrived at just after 10.30 and the warm up session was in full swing. Teams from Olvera, Algodonales, El Gastor, Torre Alháquime and Arcos de la Frontera were all here to compete and enjoy the day.

A short video here showing the fun of the event. I dare you not to smile!!.
Brilliant and vociferous support by local school children.

Team Olvera. 
 Students from the IES Zaframagón senior school giving their support.
A strong squad from Arcos were the first opponents for Olvera in the football contest.
 A group photo before battle commences and a team talk below for Olvera.

 Our friend Antonio filming the event for local TV.

 Game over and a 1-3 defeat for Olvera but congratulations and good sportsmanship all round.

 The basketball competition.

 What's that saying. "It's not the winning that matters but the taking part"!. Never more true than today. Well done to all who took part with such skill and enthusiasm and many thanks for giving us such fun and entertainment.  

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