
Tuesday 1 October 2013

"Dia Mundial de las Personas Mayores"

There I was, standing outside of the Adults Centre sheltering from the misty rain when a lovely lady that I knew came up to me and pinned a badge on my chest. Unbeknown to me, today is the "International Day of Older Persons".
I know I'm coming up to the big six o this month but in my mind of course I'm still in my middle age, a male Adonis, irresistible to the ladies and a perfect example of masculinity. So, with that illusion shattered (or is it delusion) but proudly wearing my "old persons" badge (Anne's is the flower and mine's Mr Grumpy on the right), I shuffled off to take a few pictures of Olvera on a cloudy though still reasonably warm day.
The Plaza de la Concordia and below looking up Calle Julián Besteiro.

Work has started on the demolition of the old covered market in the Avenida Diputación, behind the "Centro de Adultos".
According to the Town Hall notice here, the intention is to create a new commercial space with shops and restaurants. We shall see.

Plenty of umbrellas on show today.

Our thanks to friend Shayne who has recently posted on Facebook news of a new veterinary practice that has opened in Calle Alcalá del Valle No 9, pictured above.  Although I couldn't see any signage yet, the vets name is José Angel Martinez Alvarez  and he or his wife can be contacted on 687 088 232. Good news for those of us who have pets here.
Low cloud to the south.

The views here and below along Calle Maestro Amado.

 The "Iglesia Parroquial", just visible through the mist on Calle Llana.

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