
Thursday, 17 October 2013

Autumn cultural events

The Ayuntamiento have just published the schedule of organised events and shows taking place in Olvera during October and November. As follows:
Wednesday 23rd October at 12.00hrs in the school of IES Sierra de Lijar. A session with Siracusa Bravo, author of the book "De cómo Peter Pan me quitó demasiado", poems about Peter Pan.
Wednesday at 20.30hrs in the Casa de la Cultura, the presentation of the book "La guerra de los Troya. En memoria de mi padre fusilado" (The Trojan war. In memory of my executed father) by Olvereño author José Troya González.
Thursday 24th October at 19.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. Theatre for children "Un viaje de fábula" (A journey of fable) presented  by the Aquarius Theatre Group.
Friday 1st November at 20.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. Entertainment provided by the singer "El níño de Elche" with songs from his album "Sí, a Miguel Hernández".
At 23.30hrs in the "Nave de Ocio", the new space near to the Industrial Estate, music performances from "Humor Vitreo"(Granada), "Esvertia"(Seville) and "Smoking Kills"(Olvera). 
Thursday 7th November at 19.00hrs. Childrens theatre presented by "Desde Cerro Producciones" performing "Caperucito".
Friday 8th November at 20.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. Presentation of the book "Marzul de los Gatos" by local author Ana Márquez.
Friday 15th November at 21.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. A Flamenco show performed by the gypsy singer Ezequiel Benítez.
Thursday 21st November at 18.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. A session with the Cadiz poet Manuel García Gil.
From Monday 2nd December until Monday 16th December, a photographic exhibition "Andaluces y Marroquíes" at the schools IES Zaframagón and IES Sierra de Líjar.
Friday 6th December at 23.30hrs in the "Nave de Ocio", the new space near to the Industrial Estate, performances by "The Soda Club" and "Rock n Rolla".
On the 21st and 22nd December at 20.30hrs in the Casa de la Cultura, Zambombá Flamenca by the "Escuela de Arte Talento".
Friday 27th December at 13.00hrs in the Plaza de Andalucia. A performance of "A Christmas Carol" followed by a Spanish pop concert featuring "Retroversion".
As always, for accuracy please refer to the official programme below for place and timing of events or the Ayuntamiento website here.

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