
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Last days of summer

Not quite over yet but the signs are that summer is coming to an end. The temperature in our friends pool has dropped a few degrees, clouds are appearing daily overhead, the nights are starting to draw in, condensation is appearing on the bathroom mirror after a shower, the cold tap is actually cold and not lukewarm as it is in July and August, sandals are out and socks and slippers are back on, and on, and on........I must be getting old or perhaps just becoming a grumpy old wotsit!!.

So just a few pictures taken today and yesterday on perhaps one of our last visits to enjoy the generous hospitality of our lovely friends.
Looking at the nearby pueblo of El Gastor.

One thing that doesn't change, regardless of the season and a sight we have witnessed many times over this summer and in years past, is the shepherd on the distant hill looking after his flock of goats.
A close-up of a pastoral scene that probably hasn't changed for fifty years or more.
Fruits of the campo......olives ripening for the autumn harvest and below pistachio nuts, also needing a few more weeks before being deliciously edible.

An uninvited guest arrives for afternoon coffee. The same bug below with a different exposure.

Here's hoping for a few more sunny days though.

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