
Sunday 22 September 2013

Around the lake

A drive out this morning, firstly to the fresh water fountain at the Fuente Alta at Algodonales and then onwards for a pleasant drive along the road that skirts the reservoir at Zahara de la Sierra, my route here.
This elderly gentleman was sitting by the fountain making what looked to be a brush of twigs.
Then onto the reservoir at Zahara, a beautiful azure blue on a warm but breezy morning. 
"You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink"........or is it just a leap of imagination too far!
 After a few attempts, I managed to get a reasonable picture of a dragonfly that was flitting around the pebbles and rocks.
 Looking across to the twin peaks of El Algorín and Las Grajas that rise above the village of El Gastor, hidden on the other side.

 Looking at the beautiful pueblo of Zahara de la Sierra, a popular tourist destination on the northern edge of the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park.

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