
Thursday 15 August 2013

Dia de Asunción

 Assumption Day, a public holiday in Spain that celebrates the Virgin Mary's ascension into heaven. Here in Olvera, the faithfull pay homage to the "Virgen de los Remedios", patron of Olvera, at the Sanctuary two kilometres outside of the village.
 Consequently, most shops and business's are shut today although a few bars are open. This shop displaying some beautiful dresses for the forthcoming feria.

 Looking to the north.

 The stunning vista of the Sierra de Grazalema to the south.
Calle Los Angeles and the shade of the park area below.

 Looking down upon the fairground and below the construction going on to prepare the Casetas, private and public marquee's where food, drink, music and general good fun contribute to the atmosphere of the fair. 

 Olvera today.

 Patiently waiting for their owners to finish breakfast.

 Never mind it's a one way street!.

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