
Monday 12 August 2013

Back to the frying pan

  Arriving back in Olvera in the early hours of this morning, the temperature was about 24°C and this afternoon  has risen to at least 40°C, possibly higher.
 By 7pm this evening the temperature had dropped to 37°C, still too unbearable to stay in the house so we went for a short stroll.

 Calle Llana here and below.

 The "Iglesia de la Victoria" viewed from the Plaza de Andalucia.
 Arco de Zorrilla.
 Calle Mercado here and below.

Calle Maestro Amado.
The Town Hall (Ayuntamiento).

 Not in any hurry to return to the sauna, we stopped off for refreshment at Bar Pepe Rayas in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Making friends. The bar owners son and Calcetines. It's nice to be home.

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