
Monday 15 July 2013

Up with the larks (nearly).......

 ......and then, just as the sun was rising, up onto the top of the house for the annual painting of our bathroom roof and terrace.

The conversation goes something like this. Anne - " What do you want your picture taken for. It's the same one as every year?". Alan - "Yes, but the views are stunning, the kestrels are hovering and the sun is rising for yet another glorious day and I only get to see that from here once a year". Anne - "Oh, just get on with it !!". 

 Job done. If only it would stay like this.


  1. We visited your beautiful town last year with our caravan and when we got back to "sunny Wales" we found your blog. You are sooo enthusiastic about your town and your photos are stunning. We were sorry to hear that Isn and Laurie no longer run Valentino's bar. Have they opened another in the town??? Keep up the blog - it will shorten the welsh winter!!!

  2. Dear Anonymous. Many thanks for your comment and your kind remarks. Yes, we do love Olvera and in particular the lovely people here, as we hope you found during your visit. Ian and Laurie are still here but as far as we know have no plans to open another bar. Best wishes and we hope the Welsh winter is a short one before perhaps you return to Olvera. Alan and Anne.
