
Thursday 18 July 2013

Sunset in Cadiz

We are trying to get out of a habit that's developed over the last six years or so that has seen us make the majority of our visits out in the (sort of) early morning, returning to Olvera by mid afternoon. So yesterday evening, we left Olvera at 6pm and headed west to the beautiful and ancient city of Cadiz to watch the sunset.

Arriving at about 7.30pm, we parked easily in the new part of the city in one of the many underground car parks and then headed for the "Playa de la Victoria", a three km length of beach on the Atlantic Ocean.

Open top tour buses ran regularly.
After a short walk along the seafront, we decided to return one street back to the Cafetería Asdrúbal in the Plaza of the same name for something to eat.
And what a great choice. Sirloin steak for me and chicken cooked in garlic and wine for Anne. Absolutely delicious and with drinks just €26.
Seeing the sunset at Cadiz has been something I've wanted to do for a long time so after dinner we returned to the busy seafront to watch the sun dipping over the horizon.

And Calcetines came too of course.

Looking across to the Cathedral.

After a hard day at work, what's better than a relaxing walk along the seashore.
The setting sun over the "Castillo de San Sebastian". Beautiful.

We stayed until the sun had disappeared and then went for a coffee before heading home. Yes, we must definitely do more of these late afternoon/early evening trips in the future.