
Sunday 7 July 2013

El Refugio del Burrito

Yesterday evening, a trip to the "El Refugio" donkey sanctuary at Fuente de Piedra, a village about forty five minutes drive to the east of Olvera. But firstly we visited the nearby laguna, the largest natural lake in Spain and home to an abundance of aquatic birds and a huge, though seasonal, flamingo population.
Accompanied by our friends Dan and Alison, we followed the visitor path scanning the lake for flocks of flamingo's but clearly we'd missed the breeding season, apart from a small flock pictured at distance below.

The evening view across the lake however was still worth the visit.

 The visitor centre.
 Our reason for going to the donkey sanctuary was to attend their 10th anniversary party and give our support to an organisation that rescues and cares for injured, and maltreated donkeys and mules throughout Spain, offering an environment of protection and security.

 Caracoles anyone.......snails clinging to a tree.

 Entertainment was superbly provided by the Flamenco dancers of the "Maria del Mar Romero" dance school, starting with the juniors above through various ages to the senior ladies.

 A brilliant display of dancing well supported by a large enthusiastic audience who hopefully contributed generously to a deserving cause.

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