
Sunday 28 July 2013


 A short drive west this morning to the village of Algodonales to refill our water bottles from the spring at the "Fuente Alta" on the edge of the village. Rather than drive straight back, I continued along the road in the direction of the Ermita de la Virgencita, pictured above.
The Ermita offers great views over Algodonales and the surrounding countryside.

Temperatures have dropped this weekend from the mid to high thirties of last week to about 26°C today, much more pleasant for wandering around.
Looking across the valley to Zahara de la Sierra, a beautiful village in a stunning location below the mountains of the Sierra de Grazalema. 

Best to let sleeping dogs lie. He could do with some extra rations though! 
Leaving the Ermita, I came to the slightly neglected Fuente El Dornajo although with a lovely collection of fish swimming in the clear water of the pool.

 A strange collection of dining room chairs next to the fountain.
 Returning home, Olvera looked particularly beautiful this morning.

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