
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Lunch in Grazalema

Leaving Benaocaz, we continued on into the Sierra de Grazalema mountains heading for the village of Grazalema. Our route here took us through spectacular scenery with the mountains of the Sierra rising on both sides of the road. 
Passing by the lovely village of Villaluenga del Rosario, still one of the most beautiful pueblo's we've ever visited.
Our first sight of Grazalema.
We parked where we usually do in the free car park just outside the village and walked the short distance back towards the centre.
Grazalema is definitely on the tourist route and as such the houses and buildings are beautifully decorated and maintained.

Walking and hiking is a favourite pastime here and there are numerous routes in the area, most of which require a permit as the Sierra de Grazalema is a protected Natural Park area. 

Lovely floral decorations adorned most of the streets we visited.

After a very pleasant lunch we headed home passing slowly by this goat herd just outside the village.
Chilled or what!.

A refreshingly cold spring a little further along the road looked inviting on a very warm day.
The flowers of the Oleander plant are particularly stunning at the moment and there were numerous displays on the way home.

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