
Friday 17 May 2013

Views on a stormy day

A wander this morning on a day that threatens rain and where temperatures have dropped to those that we would normally expect during winter months.
 First stop was the park area off the Plaza de Andalucia to take a few pictures because no matter what the weather, the views are always fantastic.  

 The statue of  the Sacred Heart (Monumento al Sagrado Corazón) watches over Olvera.
  Looking down upon Calle Vereda Ancha.
Storm clouds gather to the west here and below.

 Looking down upon the Plaza de Andalucia.

 A quite chilly 12.4°C,  feeling even colder in the breeze.

 Calle Partida.
 Heading up to the "Barrio de la Villa", the old part of town that used to be within the castle walls.
 "Only six months left to do Fred and then we can head to the coast".
Someone is going to get a tremendous view when this house reform is finished.

 Some of the lovely floral decorations that make such a difference to the appearance of properties here in Olvera.
 Arriving at the front of the Church, I noticed that the entrance gate to the terraced area at the side was newly painted and open. This is the first time I've seen it open since we've lived here, having previously been welded shut. 
 Hopefully, the authorities have realised the potential in offering locals and tourists alike another "mirador", a viewing platform to take in the stunning scenery that surrounds us. 

 Calle Carnero and below more colourful window decorations.

 The flowers at the "Casa de Ana y Alan" here and below.

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