
Wednesday 8 May 2013

Olvera this morning

 A lovely 25°C morning, some light cloud but perfect for a slow stroll around town. Here, the bottom part of Calle Maestro Amado

The palm tree outside Bar Rincon.
 Calle Vereda Ancha looking up to the "Monumento al Sagrado Corazón" here and below.

  The view to the south.

 Calle Fuente Nueva.

 Calle Encarnación.
Walking up Calle Victoria I diverted off into the park "El Peñon de Cerretillo", an oasis of peace and tranquility.

The view east across Olvera and below the "Campo de Futbol", the town's football ground. I really must go and see a game sometime!. 

 A little bit of self indulgence, just chilling on one of the park benches.
 Looking north from the park.

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