
Monday 27 May 2013

Familiar scenes.....

........on a warmish but breezy day. I think the weather so far this year can best be described as unsettled and unpredictable whereas in past years by May time it would normally be sunshine all the way to Autumn.

 Looking west to the Sierra de Lijar, one of the premier "jump off" points in Europe for hang gliders and para gliders with fantastic views from the top on a clear day.

 The view down Calle Bellavista.
 Restaurant to rent or buy anyone?. The tenants of the former Bar Rest Mi Pueblo in the Plaza de Andalucia have relocated to another part of town and the square seems very empty without it. 
 Resting those weary paws in the shade.

 The electronic temperature gauge in Calle Llana read 22.5°C as we passed by.

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